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The number of malfunctions of the South Korean Air Force's F-35A fighter jets is 234, and 172 are unflyable - Expensive fighter jets are also useless.

2022-12-08  Category:South Korea

The number of malfunctions of the South Korean Air Force's F-35A fighter jets is 234, and 172 are unflyable  -  Expensive fighter jets are also useless.

Photo by US Air Force (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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From last year, when the South Korean Air Force's most advanced fighter jet, the F-35A, began regular operations, to the first half of this year, it was judged to be in a condition not capable of flight (G-NORS) or not capable of carrying out specific missions (F-NORS) a total of 234 times. It was reported that this was found out. The breakdown is 172 G-NORS and 62 F-NORS.

F-35As affected by G-NORS were unable to perform missions for an average of 12 days last year and 11 days in the first half of this year. F-35As affected by F-NORS were restricted from performing missions for an average of 129 days last year and an average of 24 days in the first half of this year. The reason for the failure is that some problems occurred in procurement of repair accessories, and the manufacturer did not promptly procure repair accessories. In other words, the company is being investigated for being skimpy in procuring repair accessories.

The F-35A is a fifth-generation stealth fighter with a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 and a combat radius of 1,93 km, making it one of North Korea's most feared weapons, but is it practical if it has so many breakdowns? There are question marks attached to this situation.

The biggest problem is that Korea does not have the know-how to repair the F-35.The only base in Asia that can repair the F-35 is the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries factory in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a company designated as a war criminal by South Korea. I wonder if it would be difficult to repair it in Japan within Korea, or maybe I would have to take it to America.

Or will they secretly bring it to Japan? Speaking of which, Japan is currently developing the F-3 fighter jet, which is also being developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It would be impossible to purchase fighter jets from a war criminal company.


Japan will significantly increase its defense budget and advance military research. Since we do not have an alliance with South Korea, we must refrain from selling weapons to South Korea.