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communist program quoting the New Deal

2021-08-15  Category:South Korea

communist program quoting the New Deal

Photo by The White House (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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congratulatory address for Moon Jae In 2021 Independence Day

The Korean version of the New Deal, which will invest 220 trillion won by 2025, is a roadmap for becoming an innovative and inclusive country centered on people and a development strategy for a country that will take a new leap forward. The government has made the Human New Deal another pillar of the Korean version of the New Deal, along with the Digital New Deal and Green New Deal. We will establish a social safety net, such as the abolition of employment insurance and living allowance support standards for all citizens, and lead the transition to digital and green through investment in people.


The New Deal is interpreted as a bold intervention by the U.S. government in the market economy during the Great Depression and as a intervention to free competition to rebuild the Great Depression.And what's the Human New Deal?I mean, you're going to intervene there, too.

In his congratulatory speech last year, he said, "The Korean version of the New Deal is a new social contract for co-prosperity, a promise to strengthen employment and social safety nets, increase investment in people, and achieve prosperity and co-prosperity."What is a nation centered on people? Have Korea always been centered on dogs or cats?What's the investment in people? Wasting money is not the investment, is it?

What Moon Jae In is doing is simply government intervention to move toward communism.

[전문]문재인 대통령의 제76회 광복절 경축사