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Yoon Seok - yeol (41.4%), [KSOI Korea]Lee Jae - myung (36.2%), and Lee Seok - yeol (41.4%), respectively.

2022-01-17  Category:South Korea
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国際政治・外交ランキング にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 国際政治・外交へ

According to a survey of 1,004 adult voters nationwide from June 14 to 15, 41.4 percent of Yoon, 36.2 percent of Lee and 9.6 percent of Ahn.Yoon's approval rating rose 6.2 percentage points from Jeonju, while Jung's approval rating dropped 5.5 percentage points from 15.1 percent.Lee also lost 1.4 percentage points.Sim Sang Jung Justice Party candidate Kim Dong-young and Shinbo candidate Kim Dong-young received 3.6 percent and 0.9 percent respectively.

The approval rating gap between Lee and Yoon is 5.2 percentage points, but Yoon's approval rating has recovered to 40 percent in five weeks.Yoon also recorded 44.6 percent in Seoul, ahead of Lee (35.5 percent).

In the survey, 24 percent of respondents said they were progressive, the lowest percentage since February last year.Conservative tendencies were 34.8 percent, middle-income groups 24.9 percent, and unknown groups 6.3 percent.Regarding the nature of the next presidential election, 50.3 percent of the respondents chose "regime trial" and 36.5 percent chose "regime re-creation."Regarding the influence of television discussions on candidates, 60.8 percent said they would have an impact, while 35.4 percent said they would not.The survey was conducted using ARS (Automatic Response System) using mobile phone virtual numbers provided by telecommunications companies.

[KSOI] 윤석열 41.4% 이재명 36.2% 안철수 9.6%