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What has clearly changed due to the Japan - Korea issue - It is the Japanese sentiment toward Korea and the perception of Korea - It is not easy to overturn this.

2022-04-27  Category:South Korea

What has clearly changed due to the Japan - Korea issue  -  It is the Japanese sentiment toward Korea and the perception of Korea  -  It is not easy to overturn this.

Photo by Waka77 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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What is clearly different before and after the Moon Jae-in administration

What kind of Japan-Korea relations will the new South Korean government build in the future? Since it is the administration after the Moon Jae-in administration, we must see a completely different point from other administrations. It is different from the Kim Dae Jung administration and the Park Geun-hye administration. The biggest difference is the Japanese national sentiment. Since the 1998 Japan-Korea Joint Declaration, the Japan-Korea World Cup has been held, and the Japanese have supported the success of this soccer tournament. What was introduced in Japan during this period was Korea with a good image. It is a Korean drama and K-POP. Of course, this is a creative and fictional world of entertainment, but many Korean fans were born in Japan, and this played a role of friendship between Japan and South Korea to a certain extent. However, what Moon Jae-in revealed was the exact opposite of South Korea, which is completely different from these. It is the earnest desire of the Korean people to pray for the destruction of Japan.

What is clearly different before and after the Moon Jae-in administration

The setting of the target point to return to the 1998 Japan-Korea Joint Declaration set by President-elect Yoon Seok-you should be evaluated to a certain extent. With the joint declaration of Keizo Obuchi and Kim Dae Jung, Japan-South Korea relations should have taken a normal direction. Then why couldn't we walk that way? This is an issue. In other words, Japan moved forward in line with the declaration, but South Korea retreated. Why is this? We have to think about this problem right now. If this is misunderstood, future negotiations between Japan and South Korea will not proceed well. On the contrary, not only the Korean government but also the Kishida administration will be blown away in an instant. China will be staring at it.

The improvement mood does not improve

History must probably repeat itself if the core issues disappear as a result of the long-lasting stress of the change of government from the left-wing South Korean government. It should be back in 1965, or maybe 100 years ago. At least in 1965, Japan and South Korea solved the problem comprehensively in the efforts of both countries. Japan and South Korea have reached an agreement for the future in Asia, which is suffering from postwar reconstruction that is incomparably difficult due to the current friction between Japan and South Korea.