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The new President Yoon Seok - yeol will be confused by many obstacles to its government.The general election will be held in 2024.

2022-03-10  Category:South Korea

The new President Yoon Seok - yeol will be confused by many obstacles to its government.The general election will be held in 2024.

Photo by Dmthoth (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

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The new government begins in a twisted state

Yoon Seok-yul, the president, will be worried about the distortion with Congress.The Democratic Party which is ruling party has 172 seats (58.31 percent).It is still difficult to determine how the president can implement his policies in this power map.If you look at the presidential authority of the Korean Constitution, there are Articles 53, 73 and 74.Article 73 is the authority to sign diplomatic treaties and Article 74 is the command of the military.Article 53 provides the right to request reconsideration of a parliamentary resolution.Article 49 states that the bill will be approved by a majority of lawmakers and a majority of those present, but if the president requests reconsideration, it will require a majority of attendance and a 2/3 votes.If the figure is to rise from 58.31 percent to 67 percent, the ruling party will have to add to win 25 votes in favor.

Will the full launch be after 2024

The ruling party's bill is likely to be rejected if it is returned.However, since this is a request for reconsideration of the bill already approved in Congress, the bill submitted by the opposition party "People's Power" is likely to be overthrown by the ruling party in Congress.In other words, Yoon will have to wait for the 2024 general election to take effect.Before that, various bills could be rejected by Congress, and the Manifesto incident could be eliminated.In this environment, diplomatic rights such as strengthening the ROK-U.S. alliance may be exercised to sign treaties or agreements.

Prime Minister Kishida is also eager to improve relations

Yoon Seok-yeol is also eager to improve relations between Korea and Japan.In response, Prime Minister Kishida said, "It is important to communicate closely with the new president and the new administration in order to restore sound relations based on Japan's consistent position.I want to see the new government's movements in the future and talk to the new government."Yoon Seok-yeol said in her manifesto, "Japan's apology and compensation are the prerequisite for improving relations between Korea and Japan," drawing attention to future developments."

The presidential election that divides the country

In any case, he won the presidential election, but the difference in votes was less than 1 percent, 0.73 percent, and half of the people supported the opposition candidate.


It is difficult to determine how far policies can be implemented with presidential authority alone.Anti-Japanese forces are still strong.