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In response to the Itaewon Halloween accident in South Korea, President Yoon prioritizes the settlement of the accident as a matter of national policy - The settlement of the accident is a matter of

2022-11-01  Category:South Korea

In response to the Itaewon Halloween accident in South Korea, President Yoon prioritizes the settlement of the accident as a matter of national policy  -  The settlement of the accident is a matter of

Photo by Limji1234 (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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A barren debate if it comes down to civic consciousness

After the Halloween accident in Itaewon, South Korea, there seems to be a lot of public opinion in South Korea. It seems that there are opinions on social media such as ``It's a problem with young people's manners,'' and ``Let's raise citizen awareness.'' There was even an opinion that there was a person who pushed from behind, and that person should be identified. A crowd accident is when everyone is pushed from behind.

The same idea as China will not solve the problem

This is exactly the same as the summary of the Shanghai accident. In the case of the Shanghai Bund accident, the conclusion was to raise public awareness in China. Of course, the issue of public awareness is not irrelevant. If you can't walk in line and keep your turn, it will easily lead to crowd accidents. But how do you explain the mass accident that occurred in Japan, which is said to be the most lined up in the world? No matter how much you raise your awareness, accidents still happen.

Could the accident have been prevented?

Minister of Public Administration and Safety Lee Sang-min appears to have become a controversial issue when he said, “The problem could not have been resolved by deploying police and firefighters in advance.” CNN and the Washington Post seem to point to problems with police security and operations. This is the correct answer. It's clear that the Chief of Administration and Safety himself is not aware of the problem, even after the catastrophe of that magnitude.

There was enough predictability

In the trial for the pedestrian bridge accident at the Akashi Fireworks Festival, the question was whether it was predictable and whether the accident could have been prevented. As for predictability, it was clear to everyone that an event would be held and many people would gather. It is said that the street where the accident happened in Seoul was also a place where many people could easily gather. In other words, it can be said that there was foreseeability .

There was a way to prevent accidents

As for whether or not the accident could have been prevented, the Akashi trial explained the physical mechanism that causes a shogi overthrow. It was proven that 13 to 15 people per square meter were densely packed on the pedestrian bridge. It was also proved that the pressure concentrates on the corners and edges of the passage. In other words, it can be concluded that there is a high possibility that fatal accidents caused by knocking down shogi would not have occurred if, at the very least, less than 5 people per square meter were arranged and spaces were created at both ends of the aisles. Humans don't die from being pushed from behind.

Only the police or security guards assigned to guard the event can direct traffic. On this day, 200 police officers were mobilized in South Korea to guard Halloween, which means the accident was preventable. The method is to secure space at both ends, and once a certain group of people pass through, they will be regulated, and after opening the space, the next group will be allowed to walk.

Halloween in Shibuya under police security

120,000 people visited Shibuya at its peak for Halloween last night. Many police officers are conducting walking guidance. On top of a large police vehicle, a police officer makes an announcement over a loudspeaker and gives instructions to pedestrians. This is installed in several places in the shopping district of Shibuya, and it monitors whether there are too many crowds from above and whether there are any troubles.

DJ Police is on the move

The police officers who make this announcement are called "DJ police" and are familiar to young people. The announcements are made with humor, and even young people who do not listen to instructions when they are in a group will listen to funny police officers. In 2013, one male and one female police officer were awarded the Chief Police Officer's Award for this novel method of guarding against crowds.

Closing accidents is a matter of course

Even if you watch the video of the accident in Itaewon, you can't see the police in the middle of the street.there is almost no police officer's walk near the entrance. President Yoon said, ``The top priority of national affairs is to settle the accident and respond to it.'' This is a matter of course. Transport the injured to the hospital, and if the street where the accident occurred returns to its original state, the accident will be settled. What is necessary is to investigate the cause and formulate specific measures to prevent recurrence

【速報】厳戒の渋谷、安全懸念も  ハロウィーンで若者ら密