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Park Geun - hye's special pardon has been decided. What is Moon Jae - in planning? It's been 4 years and 9 months.

2021-12-24  Category:South Korea

Park Geun - hye's special pardon has been decided. What is Moon Jae - in planning? It's been 4 years and 9 months.

Photo by U.S. Department of State (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Former President Park Geun-hye to be pardoned

Former President Park Geun-hye, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison, was granted a special pardon on the 24th and will be free from midnight on the 31st. It has been 4 years, 9 months, and 1,736 days since he was arrested on March 31, 2017.

Former President Park expressed her gratitude to President Moon Jae-in. Lawyer Yoo said, ``I apologize to the people for causing so much worry.Also, thank you for your continued support and encouragement.Despite all the hardships, Moon Jae-in decided to be pardoned. I would like to express my great gratitude to the President and the government authorities.I would like to return to my job as a new soldier, concentrate on my treatment, and personally express my gratitude to the people as soon as possible,'' former President Park Geun-hye said.


The longest prison term for a South Korean president was former President Park Geun-hye's 1,736 days.

Moon Jae-in who once refused pardon

In August of this year, in the decision to parole the head of the Samsung Group, the opposition party mainly requested that Park Geun-hye be pardoned, but Moon Jae-in refused. Those seeking a pardon had called for Park Geun-hye's release on the grounds that it would eliminate the cause of national division, but the latest decision by the Blue House to grant the pardon is precisely to eliminate the division among the people.

What is the real reason for the pardon?

It may be a naive point of view, but it is customary for South Korean presidents to be arrested for some crime once their term ends. Did Moon Jae-in think that Park Geun-hye would be pardoned no matter who the next president becomes? If she was to be pardoned anyway, I would be the one to be pardoned.

Does this mean that he is showing sincerity to the opposition and wants his prosecution to be overlooked? In any case, the 22-year sentence for bribery charges is shocking. This is a Japanese feeling, but since he was sentenced to prison for 4 years and 9 months, it is best that he was released.


Moon Jae-in won the presidential election despite having little political experience due to the impeachment of Park Geun-hye. Why was he pardoned at this time? It is said that Moon Jae-in was the one who sent Park Geun-hye to prison.

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