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One country, two systems

2021-07-06  Category:Taiwan

One country, two systems

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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国際政治・外交ランキング にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 国際政治・外交へ

The concept of "one China" is not a matter of independence, but of mainland China's sovereignty.Chiang Kai-shek insisted that the Republic of China was a legitimate government throughout China and refused to persuade Japan and the U.S. to stay at the United Nations by changing their views on China.This will be the beginning of everything.

President Lee Teng-hui first came up with the concept of "special relations between countries" in 1999.During the Chen Shui-bian period, he expressed the two countries were different countries across the Taiwan Strait.During the Ma Ying-jeou era, he said he would maintain the 92 consensus in 1992 (the agreement to recognize a Chinese concept but to recognize each other's difference about interpretations).From here we return to one China.

President Tsai said she did not recognize the 92 agreement. If we do not recognize each other's difference , we will go back to not only rejecting one country, two systems, but also each other's difference, which will be used by China to deny Taiwan sovereignty.

Looking at Taiwan's constitution, it is disturbing.The preamble to the Constitution reads, "Based on the teachings of Dr. Sun Zhongshan, who founded the Republic of China."As can be said in the Korean Constitution, the Constitution is the starting point of domestic law and should not be cited.

I don't know what path Chae will take in the future, but we have to overturn almost all of the previous presidents' interpretations, including constitutional revision.It's a very difficult task, but I want you to accomplish it.
