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Taiwan buys evaporated milk from Lithuania, which was rejected by China. Taiwan's feelings for liberalism are real.

2022-01-13  Category:Taiwan
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Taiwanese food maker to rescue Lithuania

It was revealed on the 10th that a Taiwanese food maker bought evaporated milk from Lithuania, which was refused to be received from China. With the cooperation of the governments of Taiwan and Lithuania, about 1,000 boxes have already arrived in Taiwan . A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Joanne Ou, announced on the 11th that he would continue to cooperate in expanding sales channels for Lithuanian products in Taiwan.

Since the establishment of Taiwan's representative agency "Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania" in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, Lithuania has been retaliated by China. China has announced that it will downgrade its diplomatic relations with Lithuania to "Chargé d'Affaires", and is increasing pressure by stalling # red# Lithuanian products exported to China at customs clearance.


Lithuania was forced to close the Lithuanian embassy in China by establishing a Taiwan representative office.

Progressing relationship between Taiwan and the Baltic States

Evaporated milk was purchased by Amada Food Technology (Hsinchu County). The amount is as much as one container. The person in charge of the company told the Central News Agency that he would make Hong Kong-style milk tea from the purchased evaporated milk and sell it to the world. The person in charge is a Hong Konger who has lived in Taiwan for more than 30 years, and when he combined Evaporated milk from Lithuania and blended tea from Sri Lanka, he said that a "nostalgic taste" was created.

The developed Hong Kong-style milk tea will be packaged in a design that incorporates the Lithuanian flag "yellow, green, red". At the same time as symbolizing Lithuania's support for Taiwan, it also wants to express the company's support for Lithuania.


Lithuanian friendship with Taiwan has been forced to close the Lithuanian embassy in China. Taiwan will deepen its friendship with Lithuania.
