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Ahn Jung - geun Jyushichi - Chiba

2021-07-04  Category:Annexation of Japan and Korea

Ahn Jung - geun Jyushichi - Chiba

Photo by An Jung-geun (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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国際政治・外交ランキング にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 国際政治・外交へ

Jyushichi-Chiba was born in Saruhira, Kurikoma-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, and was a 27-year-old young man who served as a guard for Ahn Jung-geun in Lushun Prison.Chiba was deeply moved by Ahn Jung-geun's earnest desire for peace in the East and national independence in the face of the death penalty.Five minutes before the execution, Ahn Jung-geun wrote a letter to Chiba.Chiba, the "main duty of soldiers dedicated to their country," secretly carried his remains letter back to his hometown when he returned home, and his bereaved families kept them away from his eyes.

On the 100th anniversary of Ahn Jung-geun's birth and 70th anniversary of his death in 1979, the bereaved family of Chiba presented the calligraphy to the Tokyo Institute of Korean Studies.It is now enshrined as a national treasure in the Ahn Jung-geun Memorial Hall.The monument was built in Chiba's hometown in hopes of friendship between Japan and South Korea, and a stone monument was built next to Chiba's grave.