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Japan organized the history of the Korean peninsula, and Korea eliminated it and created its own history.

2021-07-13  Category:Annexation of Japan and Korea

Japan organized the history of the Korean peninsula, and Korea eliminated it and created its own history.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Japan that summarizes the history of the Korean Peninsula

It was Japan that organized the history of the Korean Peninsula. Until then, various documents had simply been stored in that location. Systematized from the perspective of modern history. In addition to Japanese historians such as Iwakichi Inaba, Yasukazu Suematsu, and Hidetaka Nakamura, intellectuals and cultural figures from the Korean peninsula such as Hong Hui, Lee Yong-wha, Choi Nam-seon, and Lee Byeong-yeon also participated, for a total of 41 people. Climb to the top. Japanese scholars generously taught intellectuals on the Korean Peninsula the ways of thinking and systematizing modern history.

1,600 to 3,500 volumes were created.

There are 4,950 materials borrowed from visits throughout the Korean Peninsula, Japan and Manchuria, 1,623 copies of selected important items, and 3,500 used books that serve as historical sources for the text.

History of post-war exclusion

After the war, these historical books were created under Japanese rule, and were rejected as a colonial view of history. Instead, an ethnic view of history created by Korean Peninsulars themselves emerged and was introduced into school education. Not only historians, but also the pro-Japanese factions were ostracized from society, saying that they were trying to get rid of all the bad things they had done. This ethnic view of history has led to the unfounded history that leads to the present day.

The remnants of a schedule that is rejected in all fields

Not only in history editing, but in all fields, modern technology and learning brought from Japan were rejected as something brought by postwar Japan. The people who were involved in these events are also ostracized as vestiges of the schedule.

A peninsular view of history that has lost its objectivity

In other words, there were many people who helped the development of the Korean peninsula at the time of Japan's annexation of Korea. Historiography, which was established after the war by eliminating dissenters, is far from an academic approach in the first place. Children on the Korean Peninsula today are learning a story that is a continuation of a national historical perspective that lacks objectivity.