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His political career was against the assassination of Hirobumi Ito and the annexation of Japan and Korea. The Theory of Conquering Korea and the Political Change of 1896.

2020-05-09  Category:Annexation of Japan and Korea

His political career was against the assassination of Hirobumi Ito and the annexation of Japan and Korea. The Theory of Conquering Korea and the Political Change of 1896.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Hirofumi Ito, who made the Korean Peninsula independent

On October 26, 1909, Hirobumi Ito was shot dead at Harbin Station. Ito was always against the annexation of the Korean Peninsula. It was Hirobumi Ito who specified the independence of the Korean peninsula in the Sino-Japanese War peace treaty (Article 1 of the Treaty of Shimonoseki) and made the Qing government make a promise.

He retired from the position of Prime Minister in 1901. The Inspector General of Korea also retired in June 1909, and his last post was that of President of the Privy Council. Although the chairmanship was an honorary position, it was also a position in which one had to maintain neutrality and could not exert any political influence.

The chairman, who was neither the prime minister nor the governor, was assassinated.


At the time of the assassination, Hirofumi Ito was in an honorary position that prevented him from exerting any political influence.

Meiji 6 political change that stopped the theory of conquering Korea

Going back to 1873, it was Ito Hirobumi who stopped the Conquest of Korea theory that occurred in Japan. Ito was still young at the time, only 32 years old. This was said to be the 6th year of the Meiji Coup, and His Majesty the Emperor issued an imperial order to abolish the theory of conquest of Korea, leading to the resignation of half of the councilors, including Takamori Saigo, and approximately 600 soldiers and bureaucrats. Masu.

At this point, the Satsuma domain, which was a leading figure in the Meiji Restoration, disappeared from the political scene.

The mystery of the Browning gun

What is unclear is what Ahn Jung Geun's purpose was in killing Hirobumi Ito. Although it was a murder, no bullets from the Browning pistol that Ahn was carrying were found in Ito's body.

Ahn Jung-geun testified that he did not know Ito's face, and wrote clearly in his autobiography. Since Hirobumi Ito had retired from important political positions, his murder had no influence or effect on the Japanese government.


On July 6, 1909, the Katsura Cabinet decided on the ``Policy and General Guidelines for the Annexation of Korea at an Appropriate Time''. The annexation was decided before Hirobumi Ito's assassination, and Ito resigned as prime minister in 1901 because his policy of appeasement on the Korean Peninsula was criticized.

What exactly did he aim to change on the Korean peninsula? He was tried in Port Arthur and listed 15 reasons for the assassination in his statement of reasons. There are many items that are related to Ito and items that are completely unrelated. His charge is murder.


The Browning gun used by An Si-geun was loaded with 7 shots. At the scene, 13 bullets were found.