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Kim Ok - kyun and Miyazaki Toute

2021-06-30  Category:Annexation of Japan and Korea


宮崎滔天 Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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He also interacted with Sun Wen and Kim Ok-kyun, and in Miyazaki's book "The Dream of the 33rd Year," which supported the 1911 Revolution, he wrote about Kim Ok-kyun as follows.


The news of Kim Ok-kyun's murder surprised the whole of Japan.

The problem is that the assassination of Kim Ok-kyun by Cheong Wa Dae and North Korea caused an unexpected storm of anger throughout Japan.As a result, the war between Japan and China began to break out due to the spread of the Donghak Party's rebellion in Honam, North Korea.

Kim Ok-kyun's official funeral at Asakusa Honganji was cut off on August 1, 1954.In the meantime, the chorus of "Shoot, punish, and clean up" quickly burst into the war between Japan and China for a little over two months.


The photo was taken by a Japanese person in a newspaper article at that time.Kim Ok-kyun coudn't not achieve revolutionize himself, but his death moved the Japanese and led the Korean Peninsula to independence.