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During the annexation of Japan and South Korea, the Korean Peninsula modernized and achieved economic growth. This is contradictory data from the South Korean government, which does not want to admit

2021-12-30  Category:Annexation of Japan and Korea

During the annexation of Japan and South Korea, the Korean Peninsula modernized and achieved economic growth. This is contradictory data from the South Korean government, which does not want to admit

Photo by Phoenix7777 (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

During the annexation of Japan and South Korea, the Korean Peninsula modernized and achieved economic growth. This is contradictory data from the South Korean government, which does not want to admit

Photo by Phoenix7777 (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

During the annexation of Japan and South Korea, the Korean Peninsula modernized and achieved economic growth. This is contradictory data from the South Korean government, which does not want to admit

Photo by Phoenix7777 (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

During the annexation of Japan and South Korea, the Korean Peninsula modernized and achieved economic growth. This is contradictory data from the South Korean government, which does not want to admit

Photo by Phoenix7777 (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Japan-Korea annexation as seen from data released by the Korean government

This is the actual state of the Korean peninsula during the annexation of Japan and Korea, as published by the Korean Statistical Office.

Number of doctors: increased approximately 7 times

Number of deaths due to infectious diseases: Significant decrease

Water supply amount: increased approximately 4.8 times

Number of kindergartens: approximately doubled in 10 years

Child protection business: Increased approximately 4.3 times

Number of public elementary schools: increased approximately 7.5 times

Population: Increased approximately 1.8 times

The number of robberies has significantly decreased, etc.


During the Japanese colonial period, the Korean peninsula experienced significant economic growth and was on the path to modernization.

It was not a time of enslavement, but a time when people felt a sense of enrichment in their lives

South Korea has complained to the international community that it was annexed by Japan, enslaved, and massacred, but its population appears to be increasing.

The period of annexation between Japan and Korea is approximately 35 years. The reasons why the population increased 1.8 times during this period include maintaining public order, improving medical care, and reducing poverty.

Public order is maintained through laws, police, and the spread of education, and medical care is achieved through the addition of medical personnel and the provision of medicines, medical equipment, and other supplies.

Reducing poverty requires increasing employment through the creation of many jobs and improving the food situation. Japan's social improvements in all of these areas resulted in population growth.


Even though this data is published by the South Korean government itself, the country as a whole is repeating completely contradictory claims.