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Two Japanese in the Golden Book of Israeli Scripture.

2022-01-19  Category:WWⅡ

Two Japanese in the Golden Book of Israeli Scripture.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

Two Japanese in the Golden Book of Israeli Scripture.

Photo by Unknown author (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Two Japanese written in sacred scriptures

The Golden Book of Israel is about Jews who have contributed greatly to Jews, and the Silver Book is about foreigners.This is a sacred scripture that will be preserved forever.And two Japanese are recorded in the Golden Book even though they are foreigners.

The two Japanese rescued many Jews

The first was Lieutenant Senhiro Yasue.When I went to Siberia, I knew there were Jews.At that time, no one in Japan studied Jews, and Anjiang began to study Jews.Thousands of Jews fled to Manchuria to avoid Hitler's persecution.Anjiang said, "Japan's ideal spirit is not to discriminate against any ethnic group."Now is the time to promote the true intention of the nation's foundation," he pleaded with the Japanese government, saying, "The government will treat it fairly."This saved many Jews.

The second is Lieutenant Kiichiro Higuchi, who fled from Nazi persecution to Otopol Station on the Siberian Railway, but the Manchurian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has suspended entry permits.Seeing this, Higuchi provided school lunches, clothing and medical care to Jews on the same day after day.In addition, he arranged for a stalled departure, settled in Manchuria, and prepared to move to Shanghai.He negotiated directly with the president of the South Manchuria Railway and asked for his understanding and escorted him to Shanghai on the Mantetsu special train.Called the Higuchi Route, the route increased from 245 in 1938 to 3,574 in 1940.It is estimated that about 20,000 Jews escaped.


The spirit of Hachikoichiu is the sense of the world in which the world coexists as a family without racial discrimination, which Japan advocated during the Great East Asian War.