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The Greater East Asia War and the spirit of Kazuu Hakko have been erased from history Did Japan just invade?

2021-11-21  Category:WWⅡ

The Greater East Asia War and the spirit of Kazuu Hakko have been erased from history Did Japan just invade?

Photo by STA3816 (licensed under CC0 1.0)

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Greater East Asia War erased from history

World War II included the European War, the Greater East Asia War, and the Pacific War. GHQ banned the official use of the words Greater East Asia War and Hakko Ichiu.

In Europe, Nazi Germany invaded, and the Pacific War was a war between Japan and the United States, but what happened in Asia has been omitted. There are also stories of the Sino-Japanese War, the Manchurian Incident, and the enslavement of the Korean Peninsula, which never happened.

What is Kazuu Hakko? The spirit of world peace

Hakko Ichiu is the spirit advocated by Japan during the Greater East Asia War, and although it is a worldview centered on the Emperor that is a departure from current values, the essence is a world in which the world respects each other without discrimination of ethnic groups. It means to make.

Kazuu Hakko disappeared

This was the idea of Greater East Asia in confronting Western colonies. GHQ has historically erased the truth underlying these words and ideas. The intention is clear, Japan's war is simply a war of aggression, and the story is that America stopped it.

The Japanese who saved the Jews

Hitoshi Imamura, who fought for the liberation of Indonesia, rejected the coercive policy theory as clearly going against the spirit of Kazuu Hakko, and did not change his conciliatory policy.

Kiichiro Higuchi, who rescued Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, also carried out his duties based on the spirit of Kazuu Hakko. The assimilation policy on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan is based on Kazuu Hakko's idea that once people become part of the same nation, they will be treated as people without distinction.

A time when ethnic discrimination was common

It is difficult to say whether Kazuu Hakko's spirit is correct in modern times from the perspective of people's right to self-determination, but the world at that time was full of ethnic discrimination, and the world economy was built on this premise, and the dominant ethnic group was divided into It was a time when people were divided into dominant ethnic groups.


Although there is no such thing as a good war, Japan at the time did not invade Asia just to plunder it. Think about why it was removed from history.